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New Polarization Research Lab to Study Political Animosity in the U.S.

To understand where partisan animosity comes from and what can be done to address it, researchers from the Annenberg School...


Cable News Networks Have Grown More Polarized, Study Finds

An analysis of 10 years of cable TV news reveals a growing partisan gap as networks like Fox and MSNBC have shifted to the right or the left of the political spectrum, especially in their primetime programming.


TV News Top Driver of Political Echo Chambers in U.S.

Duncan Watts and colleagues found that 17% of Americans consume television news from partisan left- or right-leaning sources compared to just 4% online.


Are Republicans and Democrats Driven By Hatred of One Another? Less Than You Think.

Rather than being fueled by animosity for the other side — negative partisanship — a new study finds that Americans are at least as motivated by the passion they have for their own party.


The Black Lives Matter Movement, but not COVID-19, Encouraged Voters Toward Biden in the 2020 Election

As swing voters registered more awareness about discrimination against Black Americans, they became more likely to vote for the party they felt would best rectify that — Democrats.


Want to Reduce Political Polarization? Start by Looking Beyond Politics

Is bonding over non-political similarities the key to depolarizing political discussions? New research sheds light on how even hardliners can be swayed when coming in contact with opposing viewpoints.


Amy Siskind Donates The Weekly List Collection to the Annenberg School Library

In addition to archiving the website, Annenberg will house Siskind's podcasts, video, and related personal memorabilia.


COVID-19 Conspiracy Beliefs Increased among Users of Conservative and Social Media

These increases in conspiracy beliefs were associated with less mask wearing and decreased intentions to get a vaccine.


Samantha Moore-Berg Named Inaugural Bruneau Fellow

The fellowship was established to honor the memory of Emile Bruneau, peace and conflict neuroscientist.

Faculty News

Political Communication Scholar Yphtach Lelkes Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

In this Q&A, Lelkes discusses how his research has evolved during his time at Annenberg.