
Find a Person

Profiles alphabetically sorterd by letter: C

Lauren Cawley

Lauren Cawley

Grants Manager

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Jennifer Cohen

Jennifer Cohen

Director of Engagement, CERL

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Elisabeth Colella

Elisabeth Colella

Business Administrator, Annenberg Public Policy Center

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Lizz Cooper

Lizz Cooper, M.C.I.T.

IT Help Desk Manager

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Nicole Cooper

Nicole Cooper, Ph.D.

Research Director, CN Lab

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Danielle Cosme

Danielle Cosme, Ph.D.

Research Director, Communication Neuroscience Lab

Profiles alphabetically sorterd by letter: D

Trang Dang

Trang Dang

Administrative Coordinator, Center on Digital Culture & Society

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Joshua Diehl

Joshua Diehl

Social Media Content Creator and Manager,

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Samantha Dodd

Samantha Dodd Summerbell, C.A.

Lead Archivist

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Tim Duff

Tim Duff

Systems Administrator

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Jessica Erfer

Jessica Erfer

Program Coordinator, AAPSS

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