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Profiles alphabetically sorterd by letter: S

Sara Spencer

Saranac Hale Spencer

Staff Writer,

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Headshot of Basha Starr.

Basha Starr, M.L.S.

Registrar and Associate Director of Student Services, Undergraduate Studies

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Annenberg logo on a navy blue background with a red border

Brandon Sullivan

Security Supervisor

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Omaya Torres

Omaya Torres

Senior Research Coordinator/Research Fellow

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Asia Vincent

Asia Vincent

Research Coordinator, AHA! Lab

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Lindsey Votto Headshot

Lindsey Votto

Director of Finance

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Marlon Wenceslao

Marlon Wenceslao

Director of Information Systems & Infrastructure

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Andrew Williams

Andrew Williams

Processing Archivist

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Annenberg logo on a navy blue background with a red border

Matthew Wilson

Custodial Manager

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Ken Winneg

Ken Winneg, Ph.D.

Managing Director of Survey Research, APPC

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Danielle Wolfson

Danielle Wolfson

Administrative Coordinator, Annenberg Center for Collaborative Communication

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Kim Woolf

Kim Woolf, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer, Academic Advisor, and Research Director, Undergraduate Studies