Annenberg Presentations at IC2S2 2019
We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.

Photo Credit: Jace Grandinetti / Unsplash
Five Annenberg faculty members and graduate students will present at the 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science, to be held July 17-20 in The Netherlands.
The presentations are listed below. All events will be held at the University of Amsterdam. For the full program, visit the IC2S2 conference website.
Thursday, July 18
Cognition (C0.02 / 2D)
- Duncan Watts — “Human Complex Problem Solving: The Case of Constraint Satisfaction Optimization Problems”
Friday, July 19
Replicability (A1.03 / 3B)
- Duncan Watts — “Replication and Reliability in Computational Social Science”
Opening Panel Keynote (A0.01 / Keynotes)
- Duncan Watts — "Computational Social Science: Past, Present and Future"
Poster Presentations 2 (Main Hall)
- Duncan Watts — “Shifting Attitudes Toward Wealth Redistribution: Is It All a Matter of Trust?”
- Duncan Watts — "No News is Bad News: Studying the Relative Prevalence of Fake, Mainstream, and Non-News"
Panel: Five Years of IC2S2 & The Future of Computational Social Science (A0.01)
- Duncan Watts
- Sandra González-Bailón
News and Collective Attention (A1.02 / 4A)
- Duncan Watts — "The Invisible Gorilla: TV News Consumption Vastly Outweighs Online for Most Americans"
- Subhayan Mukerjee — “Networked News Reading Publics: Using Networks to Understand News Consumption in India”
Saturday, July 20
Polarization (A1.02 / 5A)
- Subhayan Mukerjee and Yphtach Lelkes — “Echo Chambers and Affective Polarization: A Twitter Field Experiment”
Organizations (A1.03 / 5E)
- Duncan Watts — “Optimal Team Construction for a Complex Task”
Organizations (C1.03 / 5E)
- Duncan Watts — “When Does Network Structure Matter? A Comparative Study of Informal Network Structure in Firms”
Polarization (A1.02 / 5A)
- Subhayan Mukerjee and Tian Yang — “A Conjoint Experimental Study on the Effects of Social Media Cues on Selective Exposure”
Data Collection (C1.03 / 6E)
- Duncan Watts — “The Importance of Studying Failures When Predicting Success”