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Coverage of Civilian Casualties in Allied Countries Boosts Support for U.S. Involvement

A new paper by researchers at the Annenberg School finds that media coverage of civilian casualties in world conflicts increases public support for U.S. involvement, but only when the casualties are civilians from an ally, not an adversary, country.


Harris or Trump? A New Tool Gauges How the World Would Vote in the 2024 Election

Doctoral student Tom Etienne is leading a global collaboration to provide international audiences with objective information about the American presidential election.

Graduate Student News

Congratulations to Annenberg’s 2024 Ph.D. and M.A. Graduates

Thirteen students earned their doctoral degrees, and fifteen students received M.A. degrees.

Graduate Student News

Doctoral Student Tom Etienne Traces Public Opinion on Global Issues

Tom Etienne, joint doctoral student at the Annenberg School for Communication and the Department of Political Science, uses his skills in data collection to analyze political opinions.

The Annenberg School Welcomes 15 New Ph.D. Students

The 2022 cohort of doctoral students has a wide range of research interests, including perfectionism, political behavior, social movements, and more.