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Undergraduate News

Annenberg Undergraduates Attend Republican and Democratic National Conventions

This marks the fifth presidential election cycle for which David Eisenhower has led students to the nominating conventions.

Call for Abstracts: ICA Preconference on Varieties of Publics and Counterpublics

This preconference aims to reinvigorate scholarly debates about publics and public spheres and their implications for democratic politics.

Faculty News

Mutz Awarded David O. Sears Book Award for In-Your-Face Politics

The award is given for the best book published over the past year in the field of political psychology of mass politics.


New Study Shows Reading Harry Potter Lowers Americans’ Opinions of Donald Trump

Even when controlling for party identification, gender, education level, age, and other factors, the effect remained.

Faculty News

Kathleen Hall Jamieson Awarded American Philosophical Society Prize

The 2016 award recognizes her paper “Implications of the Demise of ‘Fact’ in Political Discourse."

Faculty News

Kraidy Receives Carnegie Fellowship to Study the Spectacle of the Islamic State

Kraidy will study how the Islamic State uses graphic violence in media to maximize fear and horror worldwide.

Faculty News

Diana Mutz Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship to Study Attitudes Toward Globalization

Mutz's project looks at how the public understands globalization and how it affects the way they form political preferences.


When Social Movements Reach Their Tipping Point, and Why Scientific Collaboration is Important

Collective effervescence shows how the actions of a few activists online can bubble up, spread, and shape history.

Faculty News

Yphtach Lelkes to Join the Annenberg Faculty this Fall

His research focuses on how media environments influence people’s political opinions, attitudes, and voting behavior.

Undergraduate News

Annenberg in Washington Supports Summer Internships in D.C.

The program offers competitive grants to help support undergraduate students during their internships.