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Franklin Birthday Celebration Honors Jamieson With 2021 Franklin Founder Award

In her acceptance speech, Jamieson spoke about the resilience of democratic institutions in America.


How Misinformed Vaccine Beliefs Affect Policy Views

Vaccine misperceptions are the strongest driver of opposition to pro-vaccination public policies.


Countering Anti-Vaccination Influences from Social Media — with Conversation

The flu vaccine is considered one of the great achievements in public health, but social media messages still abound with skepticism and falsehoods about vaccination.


Transatlantic Group Urges Transparency and Accountability for Digital Platforms

A new report from the Annenberg Public Policy Center advocates for the regulation of accountability, not speech.


Use of Conservative and Social Media Linked with COVID-19 Misinformation

People who rely on mainstream TV and print news are better informed.


Annenberg Researchers Shift Focus to Coronavirus

Topics include media consumption and misinformation, social media whistle blowers, partisanship, impact on workers, and more.

Faculty News

Kathleen Hall Jamieson to Receive Public Welfare Medal from National Academy of Sciences

The Academy's most prestigious honor, the Public Welfare Medal is awarded annually.

Faculty News

Cyberwar Wins NCA’s 2019 Roderick P. Hart Outstanding Book Award

This is the second time Jamieson has received the Hart Award.


Signaling the Trustworthiness of Science

How can researchers best communicate that their work follows the norms of science?