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Video-Based Experiment Proves Successful at Brokering Peace Among Ex-FARC Combatants and Local Communities In Colombia

Five-minute videos showing ex-guerilla fighters co-existing with their new neighbors promoted peaceful reintegration.


Penn Students Research Which Americans Are Most Isolationist — and It May Not Be Who You Think

Prof. Diana Mutz’s course, designed to teach and implement research methodology, discovered a major shift in young Americans’ isolationist views on foreign aid.


Are Republicans and Democrats Driven By Hatred of One Another? Less Than You Think.

Rather than being fueled by animosity for the other side — negative partisanship — a new study finds that Americans are at least as motivated by the passion they have for their own party.

Faculty News

Kathleen Hall Jamieson Receives 2022 Mitofsky Award

Professor and APPC Director honored for her pioneering work on fact checking and research into political deception and misinformation in America

Nicholas Dias Receives Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching

A joint doctoral student in Communication and Political Science, Dias was one of 10 recipients.


The Black Lives Matter Movement, but not COVID-19, Encouraged Voters Toward Biden in the 2020 Election

As swing voters registered more awareness about discrimination against Black Americans, they became more likely to vote for the party they felt would best rectify that — Democrats.


Hard Barriers and Soft Power: Study Assesses Outsider Perceptions of Border Walls

A new University of Pennsylvania study published in PNAS explores how border walls damage a country’s international image, with real soft power implications.


A novel theory on how conspiracy theories take shape

In a new book, Dolores Albarracín, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, and colleagues show that two factors—the conservative media and societal fear and anxiety—have driven recent widespread conspiracies, from Pizzagate to those around COVID-19 vaccines.


Want to Reduce Political Polarization? Start by Looking Beyond Politics

Is bonding over non-political similarities the key to depolarizing political discussions? New research sheds light on how even hardliners can be swayed when coming in contact with opposing viewpoints.

Undergraduate News

Ten years later, examining the Occupy movement’s legacy

For Jessa Lingel, a decade after Occupy Wall Street’s beginnings presented an opportunity for reflection, which she led this fall semester in a new course.