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Graduate Student News

How Media Coverage Comparing Politics to Sports Shapes Political Attitudes

Alex Tolkin, a joint doctoral student in political science and communication, studies how media coverage that compares politics to sports shapes political attitudes and general worldviews.


Americans’ Civics Knowledge Drops on First Amendment and Branches of Government

After two years of considerable improvement, Americans’ knowledge of some basic facts about their government has fallen.

Faculty News

The Dean Has Left the Building: Michael Delli Carpini Heads into Retirement

Delli Carpini reflects back on his 19-year tenure at Annenberg and looks to the future.


Intervention Video from the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab Wins Stanford University’s Strengthening Democracy Challenge

The video reduced anti-democratic attitudes, support for partisan violence, and partisan animosity among 32,000 Americans.

Faculty News

How Ideologically Divided is the American Public?

The Polarization Research Lab, a new initiative from Prof. Yphtach Lelkes and colleagues at Dartmouth and Stanford, will work to answer that question.


New Polarization Research Lab to Study Political Animosity in the U.S.

To understand where partisan animosity comes from and what can be done to address it, researchers from the Annenberg School...


Cable News Networks Have Grown More Polarized, Study Finds

An analysis of 10 years of cable TV news reveals a growing partisan gap as networks like Fox and MSNBC have shifted to the right or the left of the political spectrum, especially in their primetime programming.


TV News Top Driver of Political Echo Chambers in U.S.

Duncan Watts and colleagues found that 17% of Americans consume television news from partisan left- or right-leaning sources compared to just 4% online.

Faculty News

Mutz Wins 2022 American Political Science Association Best Book Award

Her book, "Winners and Losers: The Psychology of Foreign Trade," reveals how people's orientations toward in-groups and out-groups influence how they think about trade with foreign countries


Video-Based Experiment Proves Successful at Brokering Peace Among Ex-FARC Combatants and Local Communities In Colombia

Five-minute videos showing ex-guerilla fighters co-existing with their new neighbors promoted peaceful reintegration.