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University of Pennsylvania launches Penn Center on Media, Technology, and Democracy

The Center will bring together six Schools at Penn with $10 million in support from Knight Foundation and the University.


Duncan Watts and CSSLab’s New Media Bias Detector

Researchers at the Computational Social Science Lab have developed the Media Bias Detector, which uses artificial intelligence to analyze news articles, examining factors like tone, partisan lean, and fact selection.


Mapping Media Bias: How AI Powers the Computational Social Science Lab’s Media Bias Detector

The CSSLab’s Media Bias Detector empowers users to analyze bias in major news outlets, not just based on the outlets’ political leaning, but on the topics they choose to cover.


Mapping How People Get Their (Political) News

New data visualizations from the Computational Social Science Lab show how Americans consume news.

Undergraduate News

A New Class Has Students Use AI To Do Their Homework

Lecturer Matt O’Donnell’s course “Talking with AI: Computational and Communication Approaches” encourages undergraduates to play with AI.


The YouTube Algorithm Isn’t Radicalizing People

A new study from the Computational Social Science Lab finds that the YouTube recommendation system is less influential on users’ political views than is commonly believed.


The Mission to Get Pennsylvanians Online

The Pennsylvania Broadband Research Institute, a collaboration between Penn and Penn State, looks for ways to bridge the digital divide in the state — and the rest of the nation.


The Commonalities of Common Sense

PIK Professor Duncan Watts and Computational Social Science Lab senior researcher Mark Whiting address a critical gap in how knowledge is understood.

Faculty News

Desmond Patton and the Science of Being Human

Patton discusses his research in social media and violence, finding an interdisciplinary career in social work, communication, data science, and psychiatry, and why his open-mindedness never stops.


First Findings from US 2020 Facebook & Instagram Election Study Released

Unprecedented research by Prof. Sandra González-Bailón and colleagues reveals the influence of Facebook's algorithms on political news exposure.