CARGC Visiting Scholar Paromita Vohra talking at a conference
Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication

Visiting Scholar Program

CARGC offers short-term and long-term visiting fellowship positions for a limited number of visiting scholars from institutions other than the University of Pennsylvania whose research aligns with current CARGC research themes.

During their residency at CARGC, visiting scholars develop their own research projects and take an active part in the life of the center by mentoring CARGC fellows and participating in center events and research activities.

Short-term visiting scholars stay in residence at CARGC for up to two weeks. They are provided with a workspace, computer, library access, and receive a $2,500 allowance for travel and incidental expenses.

Long-term visiting scholars can stay at CARGC for a full semester. They receive a workspace, computer, and library access, but are expected to provide their own funding. This position is best suited for scholars on funded research grants and sabbatical leaves.

Apart from the university resources offered above, short-term and long-term visiting scholars also have opportunities to attend and participate in formal and informal scholarly events at CARGC, Annenberg, and Penn at large.


  • Visiting scholars are expected to have completed a Ph.D. and be employed at an institution other than the University of Pennsylvania
  • Visiting Scholars must provide health insurance for themselves and any accompanying dependents
  • Long-term visiting scholars are required to provide their own funding. International long-term visiting scholars will be required to submit the proof of funding as a part of their visa application process.

How to Apply

Please email the following application materials to by July 1st, if applying for the fall semester, and by October 1st for the spring semester:

  • CV
  • Cover letter outlining the dates you hope to stay at CARGC and describing what you would like to work on during your visit
  • A 1-page research statement that outlines how your work fits with one or more of CARGC’s research themes.


Visiting scholars at CARGC are expected to:

  • Hold office hours to facilitate mentorship opportunities for CARGC doctoral and postdoctoral fellows
  • Hold an informal hour-long lunch workshop for the CARGC community (fellows, staff, and affiliates)
  • Work with CARGC’s Senior Research Manager to discuss opportunities for recording an episode of the CARGC Global Media & Communication podcast and/or getting involved in other ongoing research projects at CARGC
  • Attend public and internal CARGC events that may overlap with the visit.

Thoughts From CARGC Visiting Scholars

Meghanne Barker (CARGC Visiting Scholar, Spring 2024):

"At CARGC I found a lively, interdisciplinary community, with whom I was able to exchange ideas both through one-on-one meetings and group settings. I got to know leading scholars working on issues of migration and mediation, multimodal research, and more. These exchanges have continued since I left and will hopefully lead to future collaboration with scholars I met during my fellowship. We were truly impressed and benefited from the vibrant research culture that CARGC cultivates."

Jean-Christophe Plantin (CARGC Visiting Scholar, Spring 2024):

"With its amazing staff, world-leading researchers, and a great setting, CARGC provided me with the best conditions to spend my visiting position. I ended up getting so much work done despite the frequent (and always welcome!) invitations to chat, hang out, or present my research. It was truly a life-changing experience, and what I learned at CARGC and the new relationships I created there will stay with me for a long time."

Rohit Dasgupta (Visiting Scholar, Spring 2024):

"I had the most productive time working on my joint monograph Desi Queers whilst I was there. It was great to have a working space and immerse myself in the intellectual activities of the centre from attending writing workshops, guest lectures, presenting ongoing work and holding office hours with graduate students. Having access to the university library and the digital resources was helpful. I really want to thank the generosity of the faculty and centre staff during my stay."

Arturo Arriagada (CARGC Visiting Scholar, Spring 2024):

"As a visiting scholar at CARGC, I had the enriching opportunity to engage in a vibrant intellectual environment, ideal for developing and sharing ideas with colleagues. My time at CARGC allowed me to reflect on my research trajectory, particularly focusing on my work over the past six years on platform labor in Chile. This reflection was instrumental in identifying common patterns across my projects, ultimately leading to the formulation of a book proposal, which I am excited to pursue this year.

Paromita Vohra (CARGC Visiting Scholar, Fall 2023):

"My time at CARGC provided wonderful, stimulating encounters with scholars across disciplines. The Turning Points symposium was one of the most invigorating, even thrilling, media conversations I have been part of, particularly for the genuinely global diversity of speakers, the vibrant themes, and the expansive curation of it all. I enjoyed talking about and showing my work in this environment as much as I enjoyed the luxury of listening to others. And all of this intellectual excitement managed to have a cosy conviviality, thanks to the warmth and kindness of everyone at CARGC. Cannot wait to return!"

Wunpini Fatimata Mohammed (CARGC Visiting Scholar, Spring 2023):

"During my visit to CARGC, I was reminded once again why I love what I do, co-creating knowledge with communities. I found the community of scholars at the center to be very collegial, open and generous with their approach to intellectual inquiry. Interacting with the scholarly community here was intellectually stimulating and personally fulfilling. The relationships I built with scholars at CARGC have had and continue to have a tremendous impact on my career."

Bilge Yesil (CARGC Visiting Scholar, Spring 2023):

"During my fellowship at CARGC, I had the chance to connect with faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and doctoral students on several occasions. Whether it was during my own presentation or in one-on-one meetings, I appreciated the intellectually engaging environment that CARGC offers. The professional and friendly atmosphere of  CARGC makes it an excellent place for sharing ideas and learning from a community of brilliant thinkers."