Picture of city news stand with tobacco warning label, photo credit: Unsplash / Jamie Muller
Communication Neuroscience Lab

GeoScan Smoking Study

How do the places we go and things we see influence the way we use our brains? For example, do neural responses to point-of-sale tobacco (POST) cues change as a function of real-world exposure to those cues over time?

This study examines whether exposure to point-of-sale tobacco marketing affects smoking behavior, experiences of craving, and neural reactivity in response to different types of smoking cues, including pictures of retail outlets. If it is the case that lower exposure to point of sale tobacco marketing decreases smoking behavior, this emphasizes the importance of further regulation of retail advertising for tobacco. Examination of neural responses and craving in response to smoking cues will further provide evidence for a biological mechanism through which such effects take hold.

Key Papers & Presentations

  • Andrews, M. E., Cooper, N., Mattan, B., Paul, A., Henriksen, L. & Falk, E. B. (2021, February). The role of subjective social status on cigarette craving after exposure to point-of-sale tobacco marketing. Annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, virtual. **featured poster presentation**
  • Mattan, B., Cooper, N., Scholz, C., Fichman, M., Paul, A., Andrews, M., Johnson, D., Carreras-Tartak, J., Cakar, M., Hao, S., Beard, E., Barnett, I., Strasser, A., Kirchner, T., & Falk, E. B. (2021, May). The effect of bad mood on smoking through cravings is enhanced when in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Annual conference of the International Communication Association, virtual.
  • Mattan, B. D., Cooper, N., Scholz, C., Fichman, M., Paul, A., Andrews, M. E., Johnson, D., Carreras-Tartak, J., Cakar, M., Hao, S., Beard, E., Barnett, I., Strasser, A., Kirchner, T., & Falk, E. B. (2021, April). Impact of mood on smoking through cravings in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, virtual.
  • Andrews, M.E., Mattan, B., Cooper, N., & Falk, E. (2020, May). Point-of-sale cigarette price promotions effect on smoker’s craving. Communication Science & Biology Interest Group mentoring session presented at the International Communication Association conference, Virtual.

Key Collaborators

  • Thomas Kirchner (NYU)
  • Lisa Henriksen (Stanford)
  • Ian Barnett (Penn)
  • Andrew Strasser (Penn's Perelman School of Medicine)
  • Michael Finchman (Penn’s Stuart Weitzman School of Design)


NCI / NIH / DHHS      
Falk (PI)    
Cancer Prevention through Neural and Geospatial Examination of Tobacco Marketing Effects in Smokers


Photo Credit (top image): Jamie Muller / Unsplash