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Twitter Gives Conservative News Greater Visibility Than Liberal Content

This bias held even in the context of a social justice movement with left-leaning goals, according to research from Sandra González-Bailón of the Annenberg School for Communication and colleagues.


How Do British South Asian Social Media Influencers Navigate the Intersection of Race, Religion, Ethnicity and Gender Online?

In this Q&A, Prof. Aswin Punathambekar discusses his new paper on life online for three social media influencers, including The Great British Bake Off’s Nadiya Hussain.


From Myspace to GeoCities: Communication Scholars Investigate the Dead Platforms That Have Shaped Digital Culture

Annenberg researchers Muira McCammon and Jessa Lingel collected research on dead-and-dying digital platforms for a recent issue of Internet Histories

Graduate Student News

How Media Coverage Comparing Politics to Sports Shapes Political Attitudes

Alex Tolkin, a joint doctoral student in political science and communication, studies how media coverage that compares politics to sports shapes political attitudes and general worldviews.


Annenberg Faculty on Queen Elizabeth II's Passing

In Penn Today, Professor Aswin Punathambekar and postdoctoral fellow Katerina Girginova give their thoughts on Queen Elizabeth II's legacy and discuss her death as a historical event.


Child Care Gig Workers Are Getting Scammed. Why Aren’t the Platforms Where Scammers Lurk Doing More About It?

Professor Julia Ticona spoke to domestic gig workers about the scams they face on the platforms where they find work and how they help one another avoid them.


Alumni Bookshelf: Spring-Summer 2022

See what our alumni have been publishing!


The Importance of Protecting Privacy in a Post-Roe World

Professor Jessa Lingel says privacy watchdogs are warning Americans who seek abortions that authorities may use their digital data against them.

What Is It Like To Be a Journalist During the “Fake News” Era? Not Easy.

Doctoral Student Jeanna Sybert looks at how journalists in the U.S. are dealing with stress and job insecurity as newspapers shutter, wages are cut, and the legitimacy of their field is called into question


Olivia González Named 2022-2024 George Gerbner Postdoctoral Fellow

González studies the politics of media education and production in the United States.