Neil Fasching

- Doctoral Candidate
Neil Fasching is interested in both the causes and the consequences of partisanship. He studies topics related to political psychology, with a specific focus on affective polarization, partisan identity, and partisan violence.
Fasching is a doctoral student at the Annenberg School for Communication, where he is a member of the Democracy and Information Group. His research interests focus on the causes and the consequences of partisanship. This includes researching where partisan identity falls in the hierarchy of social identities and how elite rhetoric can influence affective polarization and lead to greater support for partisan violence.
Prior to joining the Annenberg School for Communication, Fasching completed a Research Master’s degree in Political Communication at the University of Amsterdam. While there, he contributed to several peer-reviewed articles related to political psychology and open science research practices. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
- B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2014
- M.S., University of Amsterdam, 2021
Selected Publications

A New Study Shows That Political Polarization Between Americans Stays Consistent Before and After Elections
Neil Fasching and Yphtach Lelkes of the Polarization Research Lab looked at the U.S. 2022 midterms and found the election didn’t spike political polarization.