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Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions: Social Media, Algorithms, News, and Public Engagements in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond

Submissions should examine social media and algorithms in connection to the changing practices in news production and circulation.


Brevity is the Soul of Twitter: 280-Character Limit Makes Twitter More Civil

Professor Yphtach Lelkes analyzed tweets from before and after Twitter implemented the increased character limit.

Kim Studies Health Misinformation on Social Media

Kim’s research is supported by a $10,000 grant from the Waterhouse Family Institute at Villanova University.


New Center to Focus on Digital Culture and Society

Led by Professor Guobin Yang, the new center will consider the merger of the digital and the physical.

Call for Submissions

Stories of Digital Radicals: Call for Submissions

Submissions should illustrate a vision for a radical approach to digital technologies.

Faculty News

Centola and Guilbeault Receive Research Grant from Facebook

They will investigate how to categorize content online.

Faculty News

New Annenberg Presidential Associate Professor Sarah J. Jackson Studies Narratives of Race and Gender in the Media

Jackson is interested in which voices in the media shape and frame racial and gender politics.

Call for Papers: Symposium on Social Media, Algorithms, and Journalism Innovations

Submissions should examine aspects of social media and algorithms in connection to information production and flow.Submissions should examine aspects of social media and algorithms in connection to information production and flow.


New Democracy & Information Group Studies Political Communication

The newly established working group is led by Professor Yphtach Lelkes.

Data Artist and Doctoral Student Roopa Vasudevan Finds Creative Ways to Tell Untold Stories

She collects data about important issues and creates visually appealing ways to convey it to others.