Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2018
We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.

Photo Credit: Dmitry Goykolov / Unsplash
More than 65 faculty, students, postdoctoral fellows, and research staff will present research at the International Communication Association’s 68th Annual Conference, to be held May 24-28 in Prague.
All Annenberg contributions to the conference are listed below, with panel name and room location. Main conference events are held at the Hilton Prague and the Hilton Old Town. For the full conference program, click here.
Tuesday, May 22
Preconference: Global Perspectives on Populism and the Media (Central European University in Budapest)
- Marwan M. Kraidy — "Popular Sovereignty and the Body of the Leader"
Wednesday, May 23
Preconference: Design as Object, Design as Method: Making Critical Communication Futures (Hilton Prague, Hercovka)
- Klaus Krippendorff — "Constructing Versus Theorizing Social Reality"
Thursday, May 24
8:00 – 12:00
Preconference: Embracing the Network Paradigm: New Directions in Strategic Communication Research (Hilton Prague, Istanbul)
- Alvin Zhou — "Bring Publics Back to Networked Public Relations Research: An Introduction and Application of Networks of Publics Overlap"
Environmental Communication Graduate Student Preconference (Hilton Old Town, Haydn)
- Yilang Peng — “From Starry Nights to Cute Cats: The Role of Images in the Sharing of Science News”
8:00 – 16:30
Preconference: Data and Publics: A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere? (Hilton Prague, Hercovka)
- Guobin Yang — Co-Organizer and Chair
- Jasmine Erdener — "Puppetry, Digital Puppetry, and Publics"
8:45 – 16:00
Preconference: Journalism Studies Graduate Student Colloquium (Charles University)
- Natacha Yazbeck — Chair
- Barbie Zelizer — Respondent
- Do Eon Lee — “What You Read and See—the Influence of Incongruently Valenced Text and Images in Political News on Readers’ Attitudinal Response and Intent to Vote”
- David Elliot Berman — "Breaking Babel: Understanding the Dark Side of Digital News"
13:00 – 17:00
Preconference: Data and Communication by CCA and Shanghai Jiatong University (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall I)
- Yilang Peng — “Same Candidates, Different Faces: Applying Computer Vision Techniques to the Analysis of Bias in Visual Portrayals of Politicians”
18:00 – 19:30
Opening Plenary of the 68th Annual ICA Conference: Communication and the Evolution of Voice (Hilton Prague, Hilton Grand Ballroom)
- Guobin Yang — Participant
Friday, May 25
8:00 – 9:15
Research to Inform the Design of Communication Interventions (Hilton Prague, Roma)
- Robert C. Hornik, Allyson Volinsky, and Laura Gibson — “Validating the Hornik & Woolf approach to Choosing Media Campaign Themes: Do Promising Beliefs Predict Behavior Change in a Longitudinal Study?”
Biological Approaches to Political Communication: What Can Our Genes, Eyes, Brain, and Skin Tell Us? (Hilton Old Town, Mozart II)
- Matthew Brook O’Donnell and Emily B. Falk — “Evaluating Didactic and Exemplar Information: Stimulating the Brain via tDCS Reveals Message Processing Mechanisms”
Civic TV: International Approaches to Audience, Industry, and Policy (Hilton Prague, Karlin II)
- Marwan M. Kraidy — “Boycotting Neo-Ottoman Cool: Geopolitics and Popular Media Industries in the Egypt-Turkish Row Over Television Drama”
Mediating Identities: Race, Class, and Gender (Hilton Old Town, Liszt)
- Chloé Nurik — “Confederate Collective Memory and the Robert E. Lee Monument in Richmond, Virginia”
Selective Exposure and Its Influences (Hilton Prague, Berlin)
- Eunji Kim — “Switching On and Off: Rethinking Partisan Selective Exposure”
9:30 – 10:45
Cognitive Processing, Social Influence, and Social Networks (High-Density) (Hilton Old Town, Haydn)
- Prateekshit Pandey, Yoona Kang, Nicole Cooper, Christin Scholz, Matthew Brook O’Donnell, and Emily B. Falk — “Social Influences on Health Behavior: Physical Activity across Social Network Influences Neural Responses to Health Messages and Behavior Change”
Evaluating Communication Campaigns and Mechanisms of Effects (High-Density) (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall III)
- Elissa Kranzler and Robert C. Hornik — “The Relationship Between Exogenously Measured Exposure to ‘The Real Cost’ Anti-Smoking Campaign and Campaign-Targeted Beliefs”
- John B. Jemmott III — “Theory-Based Behavioral Intervention Increases Mother-Son Communication about Sexual Risk Reduction Among Inner-City African Americans”
“Exit, Voice and Loyalty:" How State and Power Dynamics Impact the Development of Media Systems and Concepts of Participation (Hilton Old Town, Liszt)
- Monroe E. Price — “Regulating Speech in Ukraine: How Matters of Media and Sovereignty Inform the Debate”
Agent-Based Modeling for Communication Research (Hilton Prague, Vienna)
- Sandra González-Bailón — “When the Sum is More Than the Parts: The Use of Agent-Based Models to Experiment With Social Dynamics”
Covering Politics: New Political Journalism Research (Hilton Prague, Berlin)
- Yphtach Lelkes — “Projecting Confidence: How the Probabilistic Horserace Confuses and Demobilizes the Public”
News Effects in Contexts (Hilton Prague, Amsterdam)
- Christin Scholz — Chair
Queer Alternative Media as Counterpublics and Safe Spaces (Hilton Old Town, Mozart I)
- Ryan Tsapatsaris — “‘An Army of Lovers’: Fag Rag and the Proto-Queer Print Counterpublic”
11:00 – 12:15
Tobacco Warning Label Mechanisms and Effects (High-Density) (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall III)
- Jazmyne Sutton, Sijia Yang, and Joseph N. Cappella — “Improving the Effectiveness of Tobacco Warning Labels: An Analysis of Objective Image Features”
- Jennifer Morgan — “Conversations About Pictorial Cigarette Pack Warnings: Theoretical Mechanisms of Influence”
Network Analysis (Hilton Prague, Hilton Grand Ballroom)
- Sandra González-Bailón — Chair
- Subhayan Mukerjee and Sandra González-Bailón — “What Counts as a Weak Tie? A Comparison of Thresholding Techniques to Analyze Weighted Networks”
The Power of Culture: Differences Across Countries and Similarities Over Time in Internet Practices and Perceptions (Hilton Prague, Yoga Room)
- Jessa Lingel — Chair
Contesting Rape Culture: Feminist Explorations of Violence Against Women (Hilton Prague, Madrid)
- Rosemary Clark-Parsons — “‘My Body, My Choice!’: Rape Culture, the Body, and Feminist Protest in the Age of Neoliberalism”
12:30 - 13:45
Computational Methods Interactive Poster Session (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall II)
- Sean Fischer and Yphtach Lelkes — “Hollywood’s Political Space: Estimating Film Ideology from Revealed Preferences”
14:00 – 15:15
Best of Information Systems (Hilton Old Town, Liszt)
- Christin Scholz, Bruce Doré, Nicole Cooper, and Emily B. Falk — “Neural Message Engagement Predicts Susceptibility to Conversational Influence on Drinking Behavior”
Civic Tech and the Politics of Technology (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall I)
- Elisabetta Ferrari — “Fighting ‘the Man’s Technology’: Visions of Technology in the Underground Press of the American Counterculture (1964-1974)”
Nation, Narrative, and Histories of News (Hilton Old Town, Chopin)
- Samantha Oliver — Chair
Propaganda and Information in China (Hilton Prague, Barcelona)
- Kecheng Fang — “Digital Media Experiments in China: Revolutionizing Persuasion Under Xi”
15:30 – 16:45
Problem Solving/Networking/Research Escalator (Hilton Prague, Roma)
- Emily Falk — Chair
- Participants — Nicole Cooper, Jennifer R. Henrichsen, Natalie Herbert, Subhayan Mukerjee, Jacob Parelman, Rui Pei, Christin Scholz, and Diami Virgilio
CCA-KACA Joint Session: Dynamics of News in East Asia (Hilton Old Town, Mozart I)
- Yilang Peng — “Mapping and Explaining Gender Differences in Consuming Science and Health News: Findings From WeChat”
The Ambivalence of Voice (Hilton Prague, Karlin II)
- Barbie Zelizer — “When Journalism Goes Mute”
Public Scholars: Engaging With Mainstream Media as Activism (Hilton Prague, Karlin III)
- Victor Pickard — "Expanding the Political Imaginary: Using History to Intervene in Policy Discourses, Create Counter-Narratives, and Denaturalize Neoliberal Paradigms"
17:00 – 18:15
Activism, Social Justice and the Role of Contemporary Scholarship (Hilton Prague, Hilton Grand Ballroom)
- Guobin Yang — Chair
- Rosemary Clark-Parsons — Respondent
Conceptualizing and Mediating Space Through Global Communication (Hilton Prague, Karlin III)
- Heather Jaber — “(De)Constructing the Global: The Ephemeral Queer Arab and the Globalization of Mashrou Leila”
Visual Epistemologies and Human Rights (Hilton Prague, Berlin)
- Monroe E. Price — “Images of Justice and Understandings of the Visual in Human Rights”
Saturday, May 26
8:00 – 9:15
Narrating Voice and Building Self on Digital and Social Media (Hilton Prague, Tyrolka)
- Rayya El Zein — "This is Lebanon: Narrating Migrant Labor to Resistive Public”
- Samira Rajabi — “Instagramming Persian Identity: Ritual Identity Negotiations of Iranians and Persians in/out of Iran”
Alternative Media and Counter Narratives (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall I)
- Guobin Yang — Chair
Redefining the Feminist Identity in Today’s World (Hilton Prague, Karlin II)
- Corrina Laughlin — "The 'Crisis': The Emergence of an Evangelical Feminist Public on Social Media"
9:30 – 10:45
Effects of Public Information on Health Outcomes (High-Density) (Hilton Prague, Roma)
- Natalie Herbert, Sijia Yang, Yotam Ophir, and Joseph N. Cappella — “Developing Measures of Negative Effects From Contradictory E-Cig Information Exposure”
Brains, Bodies, and Health Communication (Hilton Old Town, Mozart I)
- Emily B. Falk — Chair
- Bruce Doré, Nicole Cooper, Christin Scholz, Matthew Brook O’Donnell, and Emily B. Falk — “Cognitive Reappraisal of Anti-Binge Drinking Ads Evokes Lasting Change in Perceived Self-Relevance by Changing vmPFC Activity”
- Nicole Cooper, Matthew Brook O’Donnell, and Emily B. Falk — “Time-Evolving Dynamics in Brain Networks Forecast Responses to Health Messaging”
- Elissa Kranzler, Rui Pei, Matthew Brook O’Donnell, Robert C. Hornik, and Emily B. Falk — “Linking Collectively Shared Brain Responses During Anti-Smoking Messaging to Population-Level Memory”
Digital Media and the Body (Hilton Prague, Barcelona)
- Marwan M. Kraidy — “Towards a Theory of Projectilic Media: Notes on Islamic State’s Deployment of Fire”
11:00 – 12:15
Internet Access and Digital Media Influences on Participation (Hilton Prague, Athens)
- Yphtach Lelkes — “Mind the Time: The Implications of High-Speed Internet on Political Behavior”
Methodological Challenges to Studying Misinformation and Disinformation in Data-Driven Politics: Fake News, Bots, and Digital Campaigns (Hilton Prague, Berlin)
- Douglas Guilbeault — “A Critical Analysis of Bot Detection Methodologies”
News Analysis Using Computational Methods (Hilton Old Town, Dvorak I)
- Yilang Peng — “Is Trump Angrier in Liberal Media? Surface Visual Bias in Media Coverage of Presidential Candidates With Emotion Detection Technique”
12:30 – 13:45
Communication in Shaping Health Policymaking and Policy Support (Hilton Prague, Vienna)
- Stefanie Gratale, Erin Maloney, and Joseph N. Cappella — “The Influence of Natural Cigarette Advertising on Tobacco Control Policy Support”
Big Data and Algorithms: Theory and Critique (Hilton Prague, Yoga Room)
- Zane Cooper — “Of Dog Kennels, Hard Drives, and Global Contaminations: Toward a Constitutional Logic of Big Data”
Collective Identities and Memories (Hilton Prague, Chez Louis Salon)
- Muira McCammon — “The Mnemonic Black Hole at Guantánamo: Memory and Counter-Memory Digital Practices on Twitter"
Global Perspectives in the Governance of Freedom of Expression (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall III)
- Yasemin Y. Celikkol — “The Market of Loyalties in Bulgarian Politics: Political Parties as Distributors of Transnational Ideologies via Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech Discourse”
14:00 – 15:15
Foundations in Communication Science and Biology (Hilton Old Town, Mozart II)
- Elisa Baek, Matthew Brook O’Donnell, and Emily B. Falk — “Social Influence: A Functional Connectivity Approach to Conformity”
- Rui Pei and Emily B. Falk — “Safety Versus Risk Endorsing Peer Attitudes Influence Adolescent Risk Taking Through Distinct Neural Mechanisms”
Media and Race (Hilton Prague, Amsterdam)
- Amy Bleakley — “The Day Beyoncé Turned Black: Adolescent Perceptions of Black-Oriented Media”
Digital Technologies in the Newsroom: Opportunities and Challenges (Hilton Prague, Brussels)
- Jennifer R. Henrichsen — “Breaking Through the Ambivalence: Behind Journalistic Motivations and Barriers to Adopt Digital Security Technologies”
When Authoritarianism Rattles Journalism’s Supposed Foundations (Hilton Prague, Karlin I)
- Barbie Zelizer — “Why Recognizing Risk is Three-Quarters of the Problem”
17:00 – 18:15
Philosophy, Theory, and Critique Interactive Poster Session (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall II)
- Corrina Laughlin — “The ‘Placie’: Framing Gentrifying Downtown Los Angeles on Instagram”
Political Communication Interactive Poster Session (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall II)
- Yasemin Y. Celikkol — “Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Post-Ataturk National Identity Reconstruction”
Sunday, May 27
8:00 – 9:15
Persuasion and Media in Health Contexts (Hilton Prague, Barcelona)
- Nicole Cooper, Matthew Brook O’Donnell, and Emily B. Falk — “Predicting Nationwide Campaign Effects From Multivariate Brain Activity Signatures”
Conceptualizing the Friendly Voice: How to Achieve Peace Through Amicable Communication? (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall I)
- Monroe E. Price — “Institutional Approaches to Peace Communication”
Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation in Digital Media (Hilton Old Town, Haydn)
- Corrina Laughlin — “The Hybrid Culture of the Faith Tech Industry and the Promise of ‘Redemptive Entrepreneurship’”
9:30 – 10:45
Voice, Static, and Silence on Tumblr (Hilton Old Town, Chopin)
- Elena Maris — “‘Duking it Out’: Tumblr’s Fandometrics and the Implications of Ranking Online Communities”
11:00 – 12:15
Narratives and Health Communication (High-Density) (Hilton Prague, Tyrolka)
- Yotam Ophir and Joseph N. Cappella — “An Emotional Ride: Testing the Emotional Flow Hypothesis in Persuasive Narratives”
Media Ownership and Funding in the New Communication Environment (Hilton Old Town, Haydn)
- Victor Pickard — "The American Media Monopoly Problem: Why Ownership Matters Now More Than Ever"
- Kecheng Fang — “State-led Intrapreneurship as a Model for Media Entrepreneurship: The Cases of Pengpai and Other News Apps in China”
12:30 – 13:45
Communication and Technology Interactive Poster Session (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall II)
- Jennifer R. Henrichsen — “The Rise of Trumpism via Tweets and Journalistic Coverage: A Historical and Collective Memory Approach”
Global Communication and Social Change Interactive Poster Session (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall II)
- David Elliot Berman — “Branding the Holy Land: Israeli Nation Branding in Tumultuous Times”
- John Vilanova — “‘Kingston Be Wise': Jamaica’s Reggae Revival, Musical Livity, and Troubling Temporality in the Music Industry”
14:00 – 15:15
Message Effects Research in Health Contexts (High-Density) (Hilton Prague, Roma)
- Yilang Peng — “Attracting Likes and Comments: How Visual and Textual Features Affect Popularity of Fitspiration Images on Instagram”
- Rui Pei and Emily B. Falk — “Counterproductive Effects of Repeated Exposure to Health Campaign Messages: Evidence From a Neuroimaging Study”
Colonial Imaginations, Techno-Oligarchs, and Digital Technology (Hilton Prague, Tyrolka)
- Marwan M. Kraidy — “Islamic State's Digital Warfare and the Global Media System”
#ThisEndsHere: A Blue Sky Workshop on Confronting Sexual Harassment and Hostile Climates in Higher Education (Hilton Old Town, Dvorak I)
- Rosemary Clark-Parsons — Chair
De-Exceptionalizing Post-Truth and Right-Wing Populism: Political Economic, Theoretical, and Comparative Interventions (Hilton Old Town, Mozart I)
- Victor Pickard — "The Structural Roots of Misinformation in the American Media System"
Communication and Technology Top Student Papers (Hilton Prague, Hilton Grand Ballroom)
- Douglas Guilbeault — “What Should We Do About Political Automation? Challenges for Policy and Research”
15:30 – 16:45
Datafied Living: The Everyday of Datafication (Hilton Old Town, Mozart I)
- Joseph Turow — “Shopping and the Datafied World”
Top Four Papers in Health Communication (Hilton Prague, Congress Hall III)
- Yotam Ophir and Joseph N. Cappella — "The Potential for Narrative Correctives to Reduce Belief Echoes"
Global Communication and Social Change Top Papers Session (Hilton Prague, Tyrolka)
- Revati Prasad — “Digital Disruption? Journalism Start-Ups in India”
Monday, May 28
9:30 - 10:45
Power Politics of Resistant Media: Critical Voices From Margins to Center (Hilton Old Town, Chopin)
- Rosemary Clark-Parsons — Chair
- Jessa Lingel — Respondent
Communication in the Networked Age: A Discussion of Theory Building through Data-Driven Research (Hilton Prague, Palmovka)
- Sandra González-Bailón — Chair
Labor Studies in the Digital Media Economy (Hilton Prague, Chez Louis Salon)
- Revati Prasad — “An Organized Workforce is Part of Growing Up: Gawker and the Case for Unionizing Digital Newsrooms”
11:00 – 12:15
Race, Solidarities, and Resistance (Hilton Old Town, Liszt)
- Sharrona Pearl — “#sorrynotsorry: Racialized Forgiveness in Police Shootings of Blacks in the US”
The Body, Memorial Culture and Alan Kurdi (Hilton Old Town, Haydn)
- Samantha Oliver — “Situating the Body Within the Memorializing Process: Designing the Canadian Victims of Communism Memorial”
Thinking About Technology (Hilton Prague, Yoga Room)
- Jessa Lingel — Chair
Understanding Information Repertoires and News Consumption (Hilton Prague, Berlin)
- Sandra González-Bailón — “The Consumption of Political News Across Media Environments: A Comparison of Patterns in the US, UK, and Spain”
14:00 – 15:15
Young People and Risky Expression Online: Where They Talk about Sex, Drugs, and Politics — and Why (Hilton Prague, Yoga Room)
- Amy Bleakley — “Sex, Drugs, and Privacy Settings: How Privacy Relates to Youth Risky Behavior Displays on Social Media”
- Muira McCammon — “Rethinking ‘Digital Militarism’: Tinder as an Evolving Medium of Military Communication at Guantánamo”
The Politics of Racialized Bodies and Emotions (Hilton Old Town, Dvorak II/III)
- Jessa Lingel — Chair
- Marwan M. Kraidy — “Corporeal Activism The Human Body and Communication for Socio-Political Change”
Blue Sky Workshop: Doing Communication History: A Methodological Roundtable (Hilton Old Town, Mozart II)
- Samantha Oliver — Chair
Startups, Innovation, Technology, and the Entrepreneurship Economy (Hilton Prague, Karlin II)
- Revati Prasad — “Legacy as Capital: Examining Digital Journalism Startups in India”
15:30 – 16:45
Does Journalism Pay? (Hilton Prague, Karlin II)
- Errol Salamon — “E-lance Labor Isn’t Free: Freelance Journalists Resist the Law of Digital Rights”
Influences on Political Knowledge and Learning (Hilton Prague, Berlin)
- Tian Yang — “More Than Just a Channel to Political Knowledge: Four Effects of Reflection”
17:00 – 18:15
Screen Borders: Transnational Studies of Television and Film (Hilton Prague, Athens)
- Marwan M. Kraidy — Chair
- Yasemin Y. Celikkol and Marwan M. Kraidy — “Neo-Ottoman Cool West: The Drama of Turkish Drama in the Bulgarian Public Sphere”
Scientific Consensus and the GMO Debate (Hilton Prague, Chez Louis Salon)
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson — “Examining the Impact of Expert Voices: Communicating the Scientific Consensus on Genetically-Modified Organisms”
Smart Stuff: Internet of Things, Smart Cities, and Urban Broadband Networks (Hilton Prague, Yoga Room)
- Jessa Lingel — “Failures of Imagination in Urban Broadband Networks”