Annenberg Presentations and Events at ICA 2024
The International Communication Association will hold its 74th annual conference in Broadbeach, Australia on the Gold Coast.

The International Communication Association's 74th annual conference, “Communication and Global Human Rights," will be held June 20-24 in Gold Coast, Australia. The conference includes hybrid sessions held synchronously that include both the online and in-person audiences.
All Annenberg contributions to the conference are listed below, with panel name and room location. Please note that non-Annenberg authors have been omitted from this list, but can be seen in the full ICA 2024 program.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
REMOTE PRECONFERENCE: Media and Communication in Global Latinidades
- Mariela Morales Suárez, Lucila Rozas Urrunaga, Celeste Wagner (Ph.D. '22) - Organizers
- Valentina Proust - "¡Nos queremos vivas! Protest anthems as expressions of solidarity against feminicidios"
- Co-sponsor: Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication
More information can be found here.
PRECONFERENCE: Visual Affordances & Social Justice: Theory & Methods
Location: Digital Media Research Centre, QUT, Brisbane
- Natasha Williams - "The Persistence of Personhood: Social Media, Dynamic Visuals, & The War in Ukraine"
More information can be found here.
Thursday, June 20, 2024
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
PRECONFERENCE: Repressed Histories of Communication and Media Studies
Location: Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Center (GCCEC Upper, Room 6)
- Aswin Punathambekar - Co-organizer
- Co-sponsor: Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication
More information can be found here.
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
PRECONFERENCE: Reimagining Digital Activism: Navigating Complexities and Forging New Perspectives
Location: Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Center (GCCEC Upper, Room 5)
- Guobin Yang - Organizer
- Devo Probol, Brendan Mahoney - “Beyond the Binary: Deconstructing Success and Failure in Digital Social Movements through the Lens of Endurance”
- Co-sponsor: Center on Digital Culture and Society
More information can be found here.
Friday, June 21, 2024
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Annenberg Alumni Breakfast (RSVP Required)
Location: Kurrawa Surf Club
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Communication Law & Policy Student & Early-Career Networking Breakfast
Location: Southern Terrace (GCCEC Ground)
- Pawel Popiel - Chair
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
HYBRID: The CAP Roundtable on 30 Years of the Chinese Internet and Beyond
Location: Arena 1A (GCCEC Ground)
- Guobin Yang - Participant
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
HYBRID HIGH-DENSITY: Media Representations Over Time
Location: Room 4 (GCCEC Upper)
- Barbie Zelizer - Chair
- Valentina Proust - "Beyond the Void: Reckoning with the Disappeared Detainees in Chilean Collective Memory"
HYBRID HIGH-DENSITY: Philosophy, Theory, and Critique Research Escalator
Location: Room 6 (GCCEC Upper)
- Liz Hallgren - "Extended abstract (for research escalator): “Destroyer of Worlds”: Individual Narratives, Mass Atrocity, and Moral Ambivalence"
HIGH-DENSITY: Journalism Under Attack
Location: Hall 4 (GCCEC Ground)
- Louisa Lincoln - "A hard road with personal costs": How digital-first nonprofit news founders navigate precarity"
Marginalized Identities, Stereotypes, and Intergroup Communication
Location: Room 3 (GCCEC Upper)
- Darin Johnson, Laetitia Mwilambwe-Tshilobo, David Lydon-Staley, José Carreras-Tartak, Emily Falk - "Exploring Situational Factors Relevant to Code Switching Among Black Employees"
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Activism, Protest, Performance, and Solidarity: Theorizing Latin American Affective Feminist Praxis
Location: Hall 4 (GCCEC Ground)
- Lucila Rozas Urrunaga - "Public performance, affective circulation, and the articulation of the transnational feminist subjectivity in the Ni Una Menos movement"
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
The Weaponization of Victimhood in Public Discourse
Location: Central A (GCCEC Ground)
- Eszter Zimanyi - "Recursive Mediations of Victimhood in Hungarian Anti-Migrant Propaganda"
4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
Communication Science and Biology Business Meeting
Location: Room 3 (GCCEC Upper)
- David Lydon-Staley - Participant
Saturday, June 22, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
HIGH-DENSITY: Local Journalism: Challenges and Opportunities
Location: Central B (GCCEC Ground)
- Louisa Lincoln - "Collaborating, not competing: How rural journalists work together within the journalistic field"
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
HYBRID HIGH-DENSITY: Individual Differences, Expression, and Social Connection
Location: Room 6 (GCCEC Upper)
- Nidah Mohammed, Dani Cosme, Yoona Kang, Emily Falk, Dani Bassett, David M. Lydon-Staley - “Profiles of daily positive emotion dynamics and associations with flourishing”
Communications for Social Changes
Location: Coolangatta 4 (Star L3)
- Katerina Girginova - “Global Communication as a Standpoint: A Critical Engagement with Research, Pedagogy, and the Profession Through a Global Communication Lens”
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Platform Logics, Social Behaviors and Popular Media
Location: Southport 1 (Star L3)
- Sara Reinis - "“TikTok is one long conversation with the Universe:” Manifestation content on TikTok and how platform affordances shape emerging spirituality"
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
ICA Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Committee Tea & Meeting
Location: Burleigh Boardroom (Star L2)
- Deen Freelon - Participant
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Annenberg East/West Reception
Location: Hall 4 (GCCEC Ground)
Sunday, June 23, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Placing Political Economy: An Inter-Divisional Assessment of the Critical Approach at ICA
Location: Central B (GCCEC Ground)
- Pawel Popiel - Chair
- Victor Pickard - “History as a Weapon: Why Denaturalizing the Present is Key to Critical Political Economy”
Critical Perspectives on Women's Representations in Media Content
Location: Coolangatta 4 (Star L3)
- Sim Gill - "Finding Sarah Everard: A critical discourse analysis exploring the first two weeks of news media coverage following her disappearance and murder"
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Labour in the Media Industries: Emergent and Marginal Forms
Location: Surfer's Paradise 3
- Olivia González - “The Sharpest Thorn Strikes Again: Screenwriters and the Fight for Regenerative Storytelling Conditions”
Computational Methods Research
Location: HALL 3 (GCCEC Ground)
- Qijia Ye, Shengchun Huang - "Leveraging Large Language Models in Message Stimuli Generation and Validation for Experimental Research"
HYBRID HIGH-DENSITY: New Developments in Tobacco, Smoking, and Vaping Communication I
Location: Room 7 (GCCEC Upper)
- Jiaxi Wu - "TikTok Videos to Encourage Vaping Cessation among Youth: The Interplay of Message Frames and Message Sources"
10:30 AM - 1:15 PM
EXTENDED SESSION: Platforms, Algorithms and Power
Location: Central B (GCCEC Ground)
- Pawel Popiel - "The 50 Shades of Research Capture: Assessing Big Tech Funding of Academic Research on Digital Platforms"
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Health Message Design
Location: Central C (GCCEC Ground)
- Sixiao Liu - “Generating Targeted and Tailored Health Communication Narratives with AI”
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Alumni Outing - Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary (RSVP required)
Location: Shuttle from GCCEC
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Strengthening Communication's Voice in Inter-disciplinary Dialogue Around the Future of Cities
Location: Burleigh Boardroom (Star L2)
- Arlene Fernández - Participant
Science Communication and the Monitoring and Surveillance of Activism During Covid-19
Location: Stradbroke Room (Star L2)
- Ran Wang - "Reiteration of Parody as Connective Actions: COVID-related Chinese Political Jokes"
4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Scholars at Risk: Dangers, Patterns, Resistance - Session and Reception
Location: Central A (GCCEC Ground)
- Barbie Zelizer - Chair
- Yoel Roth - Participant
Alumni Event - Details to come
Monday, June 24, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Customizing Purr-sonal Health: Interactive Narratives, mHealth Apps, and Body Positivity
Location: HALL 4 (GCCEC Ground)
- Shengchun Huang - "Weaving Behavioral Cocoons in Modern Life: Understanding Acceleration of the Pace of Life with Word Embedding" (paper will be presented by co-author)
Censorship, Online Resistance and Creativity in the Chinese Context
Location: Room 9 (GCCEC Upper)
- Ran Wang - "Censorship and Creative Communities: Fragility and Change of Fanfiction Writing in China"
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
HYBRID: Emotions, Memory, and Intimacy in Popular Media and Culture
Location: Arena 1B (GCCEC Ground)
- Liz Hallgren - Chair - “Seen to be Grieved: Queen Elizabeth II’s death and the nostalgia-driven media event versus the critical memory-mobilized viral event”
Race, Ethnicity and Representation in Mediated Context
Location: Surfer's Paradise (Star L3)
- Juan Llamas-Rodriguez - "Whitexicans, or the Racial Politics of Digital Culture in Mexico"
Elections: Identity, Framing, and Media
Location: Hall 4 (GCCEC Ground)
- Alex Tolkin - "Good Sports and Sore Losers: How Watching Sports Increases Perceptions of Election Legitimacy"
Advancing Computational Analyses of Hate Speech, Disinformation and Misinformation
Location: Room 6 (GCCEC Upper)
- Yue Li - "The Staying Power of Misinformation: The Differential Fidelity of Information with Different Veracity in the Diffusion Landscape"
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
How Adopting a "Global Communication Standpoint" Can Strengthen Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy Across the Communication Discipline
Location: Currumbin Boardroom (Star L2)
- Katerina Girginova - Participant
- Florence Madenga - Participant
- Mariela Morales Suárez - Participant
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
New Developments in Tobacco, Smoking, Vaping Communication II
Location: Room 8 (GCCEC Upper)
- Sixiao Li, Elaine Hanby, Jenine Pilla, Jiaxi Wu, David Lydon-Staley, Andrew Strasser, Andy Tan - "Perceptions of Culturally Tailored Anti-Vaping Messaging among LGBTQ+ Youth"
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
POSTCONFERENCE: The Ascent of Community and Activist Media: Theorising the turn to counter-power media and communication
Location: Griffith University Gold Coast Campus, Southport
- Natasha Williams - "War 'Influencers': Agency, Digital Memory, & Emergent Narrative Authority Online"